FinTech Exit program


Second Year from 2023 - 2024  

The specialization provides content oriented towards Financial or Insurance institution’s needs, related to their common B2C activities but also to their investment activities on financial markets. This means courses content includes an introduction to financial markets, some mathematical and digitialized tools for modeling how financial products are priced and traded on such markets, and how associated risks can be covered. As such institutions also offer online platforms for their clients, the other aspect of the specialization is about how such multi-tiers and networked software are developed and secured in face of risks of various forms all along the digitalized chain. Say another way, the M2 track targets front, middle and back offices needs of financial institutions.

It is grounded on a specialisation created 25 years ago at Polytech, "Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées à la Finance et à l'Assurance" (IMAFA). Since then, a set of industrial contacts, both local, regional, national and even european wide, and a strong alumni network exist, and will be shared with EIT Digital students. 

Check here for more information about studying at Sophia Tech campus of UniCA as international student.

Syllabus of some of the exit courses, specific or not to FinTech track are collected in this zip file.

Semester 3

Mandatory as elective courses are most of the times spread on either of the two periods (quarters of consecutive 8 weeks including last one for the written exam). The semester lasts from early september up to early march.

Compulsory courses (8 ECTS)

Models & computation for risk coverage (6+2 ECTS) Coefficient
Advanced tools in maths and stats (sept starts 2nd week) 3
Introduction to Insurance and Actuarial calculus (sept-nov) 3
Machine learning for actuariat (Period 1+2) 2

Elective courses (10 ECTS): choose sufficient courses to collect 10 ECTS (or more) 

Period 1 Elective courses : mid sept-mid nov Schedule
EIIN947 Panorama of Big Data technologies Monday morning Coefficient 2
EIENIV9 Information visualisation (in French TBC) Monday morning Coefficient 2
EIIN932 An algorithmic approach to distributed systems Monday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIIN935 Data Science Monday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIENRE9 Apprentissage par renforcement Monday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIENAA9 Applied A.I. Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
EIIN924 Peer to peer Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
SIIN931 Virtualized infrastructures for cloud computing Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
EIENWD9 Web of linked data Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
SIIN907 Graph algorithms and combinatorial optim Tuesday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIINC902 Cybersécurité (in French) Tuesday afternoon Coefficient 2
DS4H ICT & environment Thursday morning Coefficient 2
xxxx Statistical computational methods (CART,RF,...) Friday afternoon,
Sciences faculty campus "Valrose" from 1pm
Coefficient 2+2
Period 2 Elective courses : Nov-Jan Schedule
EIENTM9 Text mining and NLP Monday morning Coefficient 2
EIIN906B Blockhain and privacy Monday morning Coefficient 2
EIENTA9 Advanced topics in deep learning (maths oriented) Monday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIIN952 Advanced deep learning (CS oriented) Monday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIIN938 AI engineering Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
EIIN908B Machine learning for networks Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
EINC905 Sécurité des applications web (can be taught in English) Tuesday morning Coefficient 2
EIENAD9 Advanced data mining Tuesday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIIN943 Large scale distributed systems Tuesday afternoon Coefficient 2
EIIN945 Security and privacy 3.0 Tuesday afternoon Coefficient 2

Project Fin d'Etudes in FinTech (6 ECTS)

Project Fin d'Etudes Schedule
Personal research and/or development project in FinTech  Starts september till early/mid march, 4 weeks almost full time in Feb 6 ECTS

Innovation and Entrepreunership module (6 ECTS)

Besides, the student must develop a mandatory Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) work of 6 ECTS, as mandated by EIT Digital I&E common specification of masters. This work is coached by the UCA local coordinator in I&E and spans the whole October-March period once per two weeks starting early of october in general. The goal is to reuse on-line I&E material from the Moodle, common to all EIT Digital masters, and apply this to selected business cases. These business cases are most of the time proposed by the various EIT Digital Action Lines partners or the local ecosystem. 

Semester 4

Internship/Master thesis (30 ECTS, 4 to 6 months max)

This internship can be done either in our partner research institutions teams at I3S, LJAD, INRIA even if for EIT Digital students, industrial internship is the preferred choice. We provide support and guidance to this aim. Including for outside the Nice - Sophia-Antipolis Technology park, eg. in the Paris area. The evaluation of the internship work encompasses three aspects: work achieved as measured by the internship supervisor, written thesis submitted at the end of August and evaluated by the university supervisor, oral defense organized early September (can happen in visio conference mode) and evaluated by a jury of professors. Positions as employee in a company can also be turned as the mandatory period for preparing the master thesis, as soon as the content is approved by the local track coordinator.